John Dewey

John Dewey on education as socialization

John Dewey was one of the top two most influential philosophers of education in the twentieth century. Maria Montessori was the other. Dewey’s influence has been most strongly felt in the American public school system. In America, Montessori’s influence has mostly been grassroots and in privately funded schools. Montessori’s approach is highly individualistic and individualized. […]

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Timothy Sandefur on political versus market entrepreneurs — transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Part I Hicks: I am Stephen Hicks; executive director for Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University and our guest today is Timothy Sandefur. Mr. Sandefur is senior staff attorney with the Pacific Legal Foundation based Sacramento,

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Jerry Kirkpatrick on Montessori and Dewey (interview transcript)

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Hicks: I’m Stephen Hicks. My guest this evening is Professor Jerry Kirkpatrick from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. He is the author of a new book, Montessori, Dewey and Capitalism. Tonight he gave a lecture to the

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John Dewey on Kant and the causes of World War I

1924 was the 200th anniversary of the birth of German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and American philosopher John Dewey was writing a series of essays reflecting on philosophy and current events. The series was published in book form in 1929 as Characters and Events: Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. Here are a few striking

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Pragmatic philosophy: Evolution, skepticism, and democracy

Stephen Hicks discusses pragmatism as a philosophical system. This is from Part 9 of his Philosophy of Education course. Clips 1-14: Previous: [Part 8: Realism] Character, discipline, and liberty. Next: John Dewey on education. Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to the main page.

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