More data showing that culture, not race, is crucial to educational performance: “Africans outperform African-Americans in Seattle schools: Even the children of destitute Somali refugees do better.” From the Seattle Times report: “African-American students whose primary language is English perform significantly worse in math and reading than black students who speak another language at home — typically immigrants or refugees.”
A relevant anecdote: Immigrants and the spirit of entrepreneurship.
Also relevant is the great education work by NFTE, successfully teaching entrepreneurship to low-income students, giving them the knowledge and skill set to overcome their cultural deprivations, and Marva Collins’ classic achievements.
And fundamentally relevant are those individuals of any race or culture who decide to make something of themselves no matter what.
Related data:
Homework, race, and success in life.
Gannibal, “dark star of the Enlightenment.”
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It will be very interesting to trace possible differences of other ethnicities. Is there a difference between American Jews and immigrant Jews, Chinese, Japanese …