From Wired magazine’s profile of Reid Hoffman.
I like this section where Hoffman says that each one of us needs to “think about our lives as entrepreneurs, using this playbook as a way five years from now to be in more control of my life, create more value in myself and the world around me, by proactively investing in growing my capabilities and adding more to society. People sometimes think it’s morally wrong to talk about investing in themselves. Absolutely wrong. In a flatter world with more competition, how do you succeed? How do you invest in yourself and gain those skills? You can’t do it accidentally.”
Further into the profile is a good discussion of self-care and other-care, involving Peter Thiel, another philosophy-major-turned-major-Internet-player: “The negative to being an anti-sociopath is you don’t care enough about yourself,” Thiel explains.
There’s an amazing interview of Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn Co-Founder) on
for anyone interested in more of him and how he co-founded LinkedIn.