In this 20-minute “Unleash Your Inner Company” talk, entrepreneur John Chisholm (San Francisco) discusses:
* the values that motivate entrepreneurs;
* the mutually-reinforcing traits of passion and perseverance;
* finding unique customers needs;
* fitting those needs to one’s own uniqueness, strengths, and weakness;
* how entrepreneurs are leaders;
* his own entrepreneurial experiences;
* similarities and differences between major companies such as Apple, H-P, and IBM;
* and the ethics of entrepreneurship in contrast to predation and altruism.
Here also is the STAARRS doc [Word] that Chisholm uses as a self-assessment worksheet.
Chisholm’s talk is part of our Entrepreneurship and Values series. Other lecturers in the series include Alexei Marcoux, William Kline, Terry Noel, Robert Salvino, and me.
Cross-posted at CEE.