The new academic year is beginning, and here is my line-up for the first semester:
September 4: Santiago de Chile, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Chile. Topic: “Philosophy, Education, and Entrepreneurship.”
September 18-21: Tucson, Arizona, Liberty Fund Seminar. Topic: “Is the Decline of Liberty Inevitable?”
October 10-11: University of Illinois, Springfield. Topic: “Thirteen Arguments for Liberalism: Are Friedman’s, Hayek’s, and Rand’s Arguments Compatible?”
November 1-12: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Five lectures in connection with the release of Explicando el Pósmodernismo, la crisis del socialismo, which is the Spanish translation of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.
December 6: Lisbon, Portugal, Institute for Political Studies, Catholic University of Portugal. Seminar topic: “Two Narratives of Modernity: Enlightenment and Postmodern.”