Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my first column in the Theist vs. Atheist series debate at EveryJoe:

“My answer is: Absolutely, yes, religion is worth arguing about.

“We have all heard that in polite company we should not discuss sex, politics, business, or religion. Those topics are too troublesome, so we should stick to safer topics.

“Of course such topics are inappropriate sometimes. One doesn’t hand out business cards at a funeral. Teachers shouldn’t hit on their students. And even if it’s the day before a big election, one doesn’t make campaign speeches at a four-year-old’s birthday party.

“But we are human beings. To be human is to grapple with the big questions and the crucial values of life. And we must decide — we all need to make up our minds what our lives will be about. Solo reflection is the most important part of this process. But discussing major issues with others can and should be a useful learning experience …” [Read more here.]


Here are the links to other columns in the series.

4 thoughts on “Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]”

  1. Beautiful opening commentary, Dr. Hicks. Thank you.

    I’m looking forward to the debate.

  2. To “argue” usually connotes not contradiction but a logical expose of a view. In Paradise Lost, Milton lists “the argument” as a synopsis. However, philosophy continually steps back and forth over the line between the material and spiritual. The mind (cum spirit) can touch on profound issues via its reason and its continual formation of intuitive premises. [Organized] Religion I would dismiss, but that there is a spiritual dimension to reality? Is there not? Science cannot measure it, but highly discriminating reason can. Our modern minds are obfuscated by material wonders. Arguing about theism or non-theism helps us refine our grasp of the universe, external and internal. Have at it!

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