Does the Meaning of Life Depend on There Being an Afterlife? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of John C. Wright’s latest column in the Theist vs. Atheist series debate at EveryJoe:

“The question for this week is whether the meaning of life depends on there being an afterlife.

“Like most questions raised when discussing the topic of supernaturalism versus naturalism, the question contains a hidden and deeper question which must be first answered, namely, what is the meaning of life?

“Naturally, that question depends on two yet deeper, namely (1) what is life? And (2) what is meaning?

“The answer to the second question depends on what life is. In the modern age, there are two major contenders offering opposite answers, the theist and the atheist …” [Read more here.]


Here are the links to other columns in the series.

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