Jagiellonian University is one of the ancient universities of Europe. 1364 was its founding year, and I am officially in residence — temporarily for my two guest lectures.
Market square is huge and lively.
Nicholas Copernicus was a student here, and Kraków has some smog issues, so this statue of Copernicus has a mask added by some humorists.
For the Faculty of Philosophy my lecture is on Enlightenment versus postmodern philosophy, and for the Faculty of Pedagogy my lecture is on Explaining Postmodernism and Its Challenge to Liberal Education. Both are tied to the Polish edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault, which was translated by Dr. Piotr Kostyło and Katarzyna Nowak and published as Zrozumieć postmodernizm. Sceptycyzm i socjalizm od Rousseau do Foucaulta by University of Kasimir the Great Press.
In Kraków I thank especially Dr. Katarzyna Wrońska, Dr. Justyna Miklaszewska, and Dr. Tomasz Leś.