My advice to young Social Justice Warriors

My two-minute advice to passionate young activists:

“You’re a younger person, and things matter to you … but keep an open mind to the possibility that you have received only a partial education — one side of a set of arguments from some very clever people.”

“Your life is important, and if you let yourself get sucked into a deeply alienated, poisoned worldview, you will throw your life away.”

Thanks to Ignasi Boltó of Instituto Juan de Mariana for preparing this clip, which is excerpted from this full interview: “Stephen Hicks on Postmodernism, Western Values and Jordan Peterson.”

3 thoughts on “My advice to young Social Justice Warriors”

  1. Professors like you have gone from obscure academics to the most important people in our society. Thank You!

    Happy Canada Day!

  2. I’ve watched both parts 1 & 2 of your presentation on postmodernism, the 1 hour versions. It was excellent!
    Are the supporting documents–slides, handouts, etc.–mentioned during the presentations available on this web site? If so, how are they obtainable.
    Second, when were the presentations made?
    Randy Hough

  3. Thanks for that, Randy. If I have the correct versions, those were recorded in 1998 at the Institute for Objectivist Studies conference at the University of Colorado, Bouder. The various slides and charts mentioned made their way into the book version of *Explaining Postmodernism*, first edition published in 2004. Some are also at this website, here and there.

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