From 2006, an eight-minute documentary clip with my answer.
Topics covered: (1) National Socialist philosophy, (2) the Nazi Party’s original 25-point platform — collectivism, economic socialism, nationalism, authoritarianism — (3) negotiations to merge with the German Socialist Party, (4) Hitler and Goebbels speeches on socialism, and (5) the symbolism of the swastika.

The book based on the documentary, Nietzsche and the Nazis, is here.
really interesting.
hand in hand with what Jordan B Peterson warns about when he says individualism > collectivism.
Is it the case that wherever collectivist ideology is adopted at a governmental level it becomes X group vs Y group
natzi germany being pure germans vs unpure
soviet russia being rich vs poor
western identity politics opressors vs opressed?
is that also what we are seeing in south africa? and have seen in other places (Zimbabwe? Hatti? etc)
thanks for your thoughts
Thank you, Michael. Often it’s just old-fashioned tribalism, but it becomes more dangerous when ideologists legitimize the tribalism. Best, Stephen