The third episode in my Open College with Dr. Stephen Hicks podcast series.
Audio links: iTunes. Soundcloud. Stitcher. YouTube.
Topics and times: Conceptual clarification: “conservative,” “revolutionary,” “liberal” // Donald Trump versus Charles Koch // Robert Bork, Irving Kristol, Russell Kirk, Pat Buchanan, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn // Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Ayn Rand // Why the pigeon-holing duality.
Transcription: Update: Now available here.
[1] Chicago Tribune: “Conservatism is alive and well under Trump’s administration.” Politico: “The Conservative Movement Is Donald Trump.”
[2] Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “A World Split Apart,” commencement address delivered at Harvard University (1978).
The complete series of Open College with Stephen Hicks podcasts.
Lecture #3 was an “aha” lecture. Often I have been irritated with Conservatives when they don’t support free markets as I felt a Conservative should and I could not understand it. This thread you have going through these lectures of avoiding the binary is starting to make a lot of sense to me. As a Von Mises, Hayek, and Friedman kind of guy I always thought they blended into the Conservative camp. Not so.
Pretty amazing series. How do we now get an accreditation? Credit-card is ready.