I’ve received colorful correspondence from people upset with me over a dozen philosophical issues — especially from those who think Kant was Enlightenment/objectivist/liberal, Nietzsche was thoroughly individualist, Rand was antisocial, and that postmoderns are the good guys — as well as those who chastise me for supporting neither Trump nor Biden. Then there are those who are furious that I would question lockdowns and who are sure that the vaccines are a conspiracy of which I have idiotically/unwittingly become a part. Such emails now seem almost ordinary.
But I was genuinely surprised to receive today an intense email about my apparently insane and lying lecture and post about the heliocentric model of the solar system and Galileo’s battles with the Church over its geocentrism.
NO evidence was Ever presented by either Copernicus nor Galileo. So please stop this insanity of parroting a L I E of heliocentrism.
P.W. by email.
Ask yourself now: how come I know, that you DON’T KNOW a single evidence to prove heliocentrism?
Because there is N O N E.
The very fact that, Earth lacks Centrifugal Force proves it. Earth is Solid, Atmosphere is Gas. Gasses don’t follow Solids. That would produce difference between speed of spinning Earth and Stationary Atmosphere of 1666 km/hr!
Now what?! you know you don’t know. SO stop bluffing like there is such evidence. YOU IGONORANTS are INFURIATING!
Your lack of knowledge is self evident as now you realized that, you indeed can’t humiliate me. That’s why you can’t quote or find any evidence that either Copernicus or Galileo used to “prove” that Earth goes around Sun!
I demand that you call any professor in the world to help you!
Story that Galileo was heliocentric is FALSE.
[Disclaimer: I’ve never received hostile emails from flat-earthers or astrologists.]
Unbelievable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdIjYBtnvZU. Plus, of course, tons of other evidence. In modern times with GR, we know any coordinate system, either with the sun at the origin or not, is equally valid, but calculations a much simpler with the sun at the centre. So much simpler, you would need rocks in your head to look at it any other way.
I would like to point out the futility of trying to understand this mighty universe through optical and radio signals. The use of these signals for engineering to make better lasers or cameras is just great but if u try to fathom Creation it just won’t work.
No one bothered to ask the epistemological question whether a piece of glass or a magnet, no matter how sophisticated, will ever reveal Reality.
Anyways, the answer lies in the Bible. Pls read.
The structures in our head are identical to the structures in The Godhead as God made man in His Image.
As the Torah says, there is a river that goes out of Eden and then divides into four. The Pishon that surrounds the land of Havilah, The Gihon that surrounds the land of Cush, and the Hiddekiel that runs east of Ashur and the Phirat.
In the brain is the ventricular system. There is an aqueduct that descends into the fourth ventricle and then divides into four. Two surround the pons on each side, the third enters the cerebellum and the fourth continues down into the medulla.
The description exactly matches that of the Bible and there are a dozen more examples such as this which truly makes us in the Image of God.
We are physical images of God.
Maybe this is helpful.
Thanks for reading.
The secrets of the human brain are revealed in full glory in the Bible.
Another verse of Genesis.
God separated the waters above from the waters below and gathered them into seas.
Similarly, in the human brain there are waters above and waters below which are gathered into the ventricles.
I cannot reiterate more that we are made in the physical image of God.
Just another point.
Scientists have been struggling to determine the shape of the universe. Is it flat or circular or spherical or elliptical or a funnel. It’s none of those. The Universe is in the shape of a Man whom we worship and in reverence call God.
Thankyou for reading.