“Postmodernists don’t fight by the same rules we do. When everything is subjective narratives, subversion goes all the way down. Our classic rules are:
Approach discussion with benevolence and give the initial benefit of the doubt. The goal is the mutual advancement of understanding. Hear out both sides. Be civil in giving and receiving criticism. Don’t make stuff up. Believe that truth matters.
“But postmoderns cast a jaded eye upon ‘truth’ and see words as weapons in a battle between adversarial groups. … “

Now in Portuguese and in English.
Publicado pela primeira vez em Inglês:: “Postmodernism’s Moral Low Ground,” The Spectator, February, 2019.
Portugués: “A inferioridade moral do Pós-modernismo.” Tradução por Matheus Pacini.
Para mais publicações em português visite: https://www.stephenhicks.org/publicacoes-em-portugues/.
Original publication in English.
Also this related Open College podcast: “Why Post-moderns Train — not Educate — Activists.”