October 27: Is the USA a “Capitalist” Nation?
Two narratives govern our recent thinking, debating, and blame-gaming about the economy:
(1) We’re a capitalist nation, and our troubles are the fault of capitalism,
(2) We’re a mixed economy, and our troubles stem from the anti-capitalist elements of the mixture.
How do we first sort out what kind of economy we actually have?
When: Wednesday, October 27, 7 p.m. Central Time.
Where: MyJunto. Registration is free and open to anyone interested.

While the course has no prerequisites, the expectation for participants is that they will have read or viewed the preparatory material for each session.
In order to encourage open exploration of the ideas, the sessions will not be recorded
To register, go to MyJunto or visit this Facebook announcement page.
(Session 3, “Is Capitalism Good or Bad for Women?,” will meet on November 10.)