The Wisconsin Forum 2021-2022 Season continues next Thursday, February 17, 2022, with Dr. Stephen Hicks speaking on The Invisibility of Entrepreneurism: Why Free-Market Polices So Often Lose. Description:
The economic, political, and historical evidence for the superiority of free societies is substantial — yet so many are suspicious or outright hostile, and often authoritarian policies prevail over genuinely liberal ones. Why?
Whoever has the ethical high ground most often wins. The entrepreneurial moral principle of being a self-responsible individual committed to making his or her way in the world — that must be well defended against those committed to the opposing principles of paternalism, collective sacrifice, and egalitarian leveling.
Next Thursday, Dr. Stephen Hicks, Professor of Philosophy and Executive Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University, Policy Advisor to The Heartland Institute and Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society, will address how value creation is sort-of grasped by most policy makers and most academics, yet entrepreneurism seems still a kind of magic or luck at best and acquiring wealth morally suspect. So distributing wealth rather than creating it seems to be where the moral action is, and those who can re-distribute it best claim the moral high ground.
To get a jump on Dr. Hicks’s presentation, we encourage you to check out the following links:
Stephen Hicks, “What Entrepreneurship Can Teach Us About Life,” The Wall Street Journal. (Or: Audio version.)
Members! Register here Guests! Please purchase a single event ticket.
Finally, if you registered for our online streaming subscription, you’ll receive an email early next week with details on how to log on for the presentation.
Thank you and we hope you can join us next Thursday for an riveting evening with Dr. Stephen Hicks.