The questions: Modernism and the Enlightenment—what are they? Is philosophy a science? Is epistemology or ethics most important? Can you explain briefly Foucault, Rorty, Lyotard, Derrida? Why do the post-moderns reject the modern? Sense-perception—are the arguments against its validity perverse? What’s the Representational theory of perception? What did Kant think of Rousseau? What makes Rousseau counter- or anti-Enlightenment? What’s meant by the “noble savage”? Was Ayn Rand correct in saying Kant subverted the Enlightenment? Is postmodernism necessarily Leftist? Does socialism need an aristocracy—e.g., dictatorship of the proletariat or Fabian socialism? Why did Left activism shift from organizing the workers and peasants to university activism? Is the prevailing philosophy of the Davos crowd “fascist”? What taxonomy is best for socialism/fascism/individualism/liberalism/conservatism? Is capitalism the cause of war? What is the ethos of capitalism? What is the best defense of free speech? How important are Jordan Peterson, Jon Haidt, and Steven Pinker in the battle?

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Stephen, it was great having you as our guest. We look forward to visiting with you again later this year.