The Apocalypse types

Are the apocalypse-types driven by the specific *issues*, or is there a background *psychology* driving them and the issues are secondary?

2 thoughts on “The Apocalypse types”

  1. I think it all begins with the fundamentals of our worldviews. The issues only become “issues” when placed in the context of our worldview. We all become apocalyptic when things are so disordered or “stressed” within our worldviews that the issues seem to herald the end of the world. I think the” issues” would be secondary, and the commitments to the overall worldview are primary.

  2. Paraphrasing Brigham Young. Most men cannot handle the responsibility of life. Which is true but needs context. Considering their philosophy most men cannot accept the fact that self responsibility is required for life. Catastrophizing alleviates psychological pressure caused by ” To live I must accept the responsibilities of life VS the subconsciously known reality, I cannot take on the responsibilities of life”

    These frameworks support responsibility evasion at every turn while satiating the appetite to produce morality.

    The end is near (and I am not the cause of that end, its not my responsibility to create outcomes)
    Man is evil and blight upon nature ( if I was responsible I would be destroying something of more value)
    Love of money ( almost self evident, my responsibility to produce a life for myself would be wrong)
    Live aesthetically (Evade the responsibility of choice in a world with ever expanding choices)

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