The great economist Mises claimed that “Every socialist is a disguised dictator.” He had in mind those socialists who want to be nice and so who add adjectives like “democratic” or “reformist” to their socialism. Setting aside the simply young and naïve, Mises’s claim is that socialism is a front or a mask for those whose ambition is power over others. Yet the most influential socialists in history have been explicit about the authoritarianism inherent in socialism.
* Karl Marx, German founder of Communist socialism: “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” is necessary.
* Mao Zedong, communist Chinese ruler: “Socialism must have a dictatorship. It will not work without it.”
* Robert Heilbroner, best-selling author and leading American socialist: “authoritarianism resides inextricably in all planning systems.”

Related: The Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels | Philosophers, Explained series: