The published series now includes thirty episodes, of which the first ten are:

About Your Guide:

The next three in the series, to be published in October 2022, will be:
John Stuart Mill on free speech. “Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion,” from On Liberty. |
Søren Kierkegaard on religious faith. “A Panegyric upon Abraham.” From Fear and Trembling. |
C. S. Lewis on Christian virtue. From Mere Christianity. |
To follow, subscribe at the CEE Video Channel.

Ancient people living under kings, Dictators made God using them as a template – hence all the – Get down on ones knees, beg, grovel, blindly obey, sing only his praises etc
And these are the top religions of the day – Christianity & Islam
In today’s world that would be like living in Russia or North Korea
Those who believe & support the “Dear loving Master” are rewarded & the rest suffer
God is Putin!
God is Kim Jong Un!
But philosophers like this are too blind to see any of this