Compact rhetoric in the image, yet let me quibble:
Any worked-out version of socialism involves at least 10 intentions about political goals and methods. Maybe one of those can be described as good.
Yet one good intention out of ten does not a good person make, especially if it requires ignoring the other nine bad intentions and their destructive results when applied.
Example: “Jack broke into a store and took a bunch of stuff, punched a guard who tried to stop him, and then sold the stuff to a fence for some money — but he was only trying to pay his rent. So he had good intentions.”
Parallel example: “Socialists want to confiscate everyone’s property, turn it over to the government to control, are willing to use threats and compulsion against those who dissent, etc. — but they just want the people to be looked after. So they have good intentions.”
Also no.

It is all about control.
Right on!
Link to further thoughts/background on the 10 worked out intentions?
It’s about control of the masses, leading to wealth and power for the elites in charge.