(0:39) Intro (2:19) Lecturing for Peterson Academy (two course published, three in post-postproduction) (5:16) The giants in philosophy who shook the earth — learn why (10:54) The practical case for philosophy (14:24) Narrative, weighting facts, and how various philosophies reconcile perception versus reality (25:24) Epistemology (the theory of knowledge), how you know that you really know something (26:35) You cannot do epistemology in isolation from metaphysics (35:09) The hierarchy of neurological responses: perception, stimuli, and response (41:59) Is most of what you see is memory? Neural-plasticity when training for reward (46:02) Empiricism and truth claims, evolving automated and emotional responses (54:34) Levels of competing abstractions, memes, and feedback loops (1:00:11) Challenging Dr. Peterson’s notion of seeing reality through a narrative (1:01:58) Objecting to the objection: intellectual discussion at its finest (1:06:27) Rebuttal and clarification: a state of focus rather than a screen (1:10:11) The Tabernacle as a model of perception, spheres of resolution (1:15:31) Focusing on the field, survival versus task orientation (1:19:42) The orienting reflex, object perception pertaining to use (1:25:33) Example: how couples become attuned to each other’s voices, focusing on a chosen center (1:27:34) How postmodernists warp interpretation into subjectivity (1:29:30) Postmodernist rhetoric and the weakness of power claims, “it’s a confession rather than a description” (1:38:30) Professor Hicks’s courses are available now on Peterson Academy — with more to come.

Related: Stephen Hicks’s books Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault and Nietzsche and the Nazis.