Relevant for: Politics is downstream from culture, Where innovation happens, Where the Enlightenment did and didn’t take hold, and more.

Source. Related: The Enlightenment Vision flowchart.

Relevant for: Politics is downstream from culture, Where innovation happens, Where the Enlightenment did and didn’t take hold, and more.
Source. Related: The Enlightenment Vision flowchart.
Since I have been old enough to understand intellectuals, intellectuals have been describing everything, all the problems.
For 35 years, all the problems described by intellectuals have gotten worse.
There is one thing that the intellectual does not know how to do, and that is to say: take up arms and fight.
They talk, and talk, about all the problems. But no problem is solved.
Because to solve problems, you have to take action.
Describing problems is not solving problems.
Bonne année Monsieur Hicks. Je suis heureux de vous connaître.
Peter Falk- A loving tribute
Good one. Thanks!