Cancel Culture defined

Cancel Culture defined

Contrasting liberal to cancel culture. Image and text versions below, should you want to modify for yourself.

Cancel Culture defined

Cancel Culture defined
 Liberal CultureCancel Culture
Range of opinion?Expect diversity ofExpect uniformity of  
Attitude toward those who disagree?Tolerance of the eccentricHostility to the deviant
Atmosphere encouraged?BenevolenceFear
Methods allowed?Argument and rhetoric onlyUse any tactic, e.g., ad hominem, shouting down, threats, doxing, etc.
Final judgment?Individual independence encouragedConformity demanded
Media?Some choose generic platform and some choose publisher functionsSecretly and/or double-standard-selectively de-platform
Government’s role?Protects free speechCensors
Formal education?Liberal education idealAuthoritarian
Underlying philosophy?Reason, objectivity, individualism, social win/winIrrationalism, subjectivity, collectivism, social adversarialism
Version 1, Stephen R. C. Hicks, February 27, 2021


“Liberal Education and Its Postmodern Critics,” academic journal article at Reason Papers.

Invited lecture at Clemson University, “The Postmodern Attack on Liberal Education.”

Real Liberal Education: interviewed by Marsha Enright,” one-hour Great Connections conversation.

1 thought on “Cancel Culture defined”

  1. Excellent and timely summary of two different approaches related to a viewpoint about how to treat other people. Someone recently asserted that ‘cancel culture’ is just a product of individual responsibility and doesn’t actually exist, but rather is just a meaningless Internet meme. It’s true that as a concept is a floating abstraction in its current use and that there is nothing overtly illegal about ‘cancel culture’ per se. But that observation doesn’t warrant the conclusions that there is nothing to see here. The behaviour that evokes the label of ‘cancel culture’ is identifiable, and is an outcome or product of implicit premises about appropriate actions to achieve desired goals, and behind that lies an implicit philosophy, and particularly an ethic. It is only after recognizing this and defining terms that a proper conversation can begin. As you have identified, Cancel Culture is not a valid aspect of Liberal Culture and cannot, if practiced, deliver the benefits that Liberal Culture has proven to deliver. It is not just another aspect of Liberal Culture, although the openness of Liberal Culture does provide the breeding ground for such a mind virus.

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