For ease of browsing and navigation, this audio edition read by author Stephen R.C. Hicks now has timestamps for each chapter and section:
00:00:00 EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM 00:00:25 CHAPTER ONE: What Postmodernism Is 00:02:22 The postmodern vanguard: Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida, Rorty 00:09:22 Modern and postmodern 00:12:22 Modernism and the Enlightenment 00:22:50 Postmodernism versus the Enlightenment 00:25:06 Postmodern academic themes 00:29:51 Postmodern cultural themes 00:33:17 Why postmodernism? CHAPTER TWO: The Counter-Enlightenment Attack on Reason 00:38:12 Enlightenment reason, liberalism, and science 00:40:20 The beginnings of the Counter-Enlightenment 00:47:05 Kant’s skeptical conclusion 00:50:57 Kant’s problematic from empiricism and rationalism 00:57:36 Kant’s essential argument 01:05:27 Identifying Kant’s key assumptions 01:10:55 Why Kant is the turning point 01:17:37 After Kant: reality or reason but not both 01:22:22 Metaphysical solutions to Kant: from Hegel to Nietzsche 01:27:50 Dialectic and saving religion 01:35:55 Hegel’s contribution to postmodernism 01:37:28 Epistemological solutions to Kant: irrationalism from Kierkegaard to Nietzsche 01:48:50 Summary of irrationalist themes CHAPTER THREE: The Twentieth-Century Collapse of Reason 01:50:09 Heidegger’s synthesis of the Continental tradition 01:55:56 Setting aside reason and logic 01:59:44 Emotions as revelatory 02:05:17 Heidegger and postmodernism 02:09:21 Positivism and Analytic philosophy: from Europe to America 02:15:15 From Positivism to Analysis 02:18:55 Recasting philosophy’s function 02:22:06 Perception, concepts, and logic 02:29:37 From the collapse of Logical Positivism to Kuhn and Rorty 02:31:27 Summary: A vacuum for postmodernism to fill 02:34:35 First thesis: Postmodernism as the end result of Kantian epistemology CHAPTER FOUR: The Climate of Collectivism 02:40:50 From postmodern epistemology to postmodern politics 02:44:56 The argument of the next three chapters 02:50:21 Responding to socialism’s crisis of theory and evidence 02:55:26 Back to Rousseau 02:57:27 Rousseau’s Counter-Enlightenment 03:05:45 Rousseau’s collectivism and statism 03:14:58 Rousseau and the French Revolution 03:22:53 Counter-Enlightenment Politics: Right and Left collectivism 03:27:13 Kant on collectivism and war 03:34:45 Herder on multicultural relativism 03:41:15 Fichte on education as socialization 03:55:50 Hegel on worshipping the state 04:04:25 From Hegel to the twentieth century 04:07:16 Right versus Left collectivism in the twentieth century 04:17:12 The Rise of National Socialism: Who are the real socialists? CHAPTER FIVE: The Crisis of Socialism 04:23:25 Marx and waiting for Godot 04:25:33 Three failed predictions 04:28:51 Socialism needs an aristocracy: Lenin, Mao, and the lesson of the German Social Democrats 04:35:23 Good news for socialism: depression and war 04:38:16 Bad news: liberal capitalism rebounds 04:41:11 Worse news: Khrushchev’s revelations and Hungary 04:49:42 Responding to the crisis: change socialism’s ethical standard 04:51:47 From need to equality 04:56:12 From ‘Wealth is good’ to ‘Wealth is bad’ 05:03:22 Responding to the crisis: change socialism’s epistemology 05:09:30 Marcuse and the Frankfurt School: Marx plus Freud, or oppression plus repression CHAPTER SIX: Postmodern Strategy 05:20:53 Connecting epistemology to politics 05:22:43 Masks and rhetoric in language 05:30:16 When theory clashes with fact 05:32:15 Kierkegaardian postmodernism 05:38:13 Reversing Thrasymachus 05:40:51 Using contradictory discourses as a political strategy 05:44:50 Machiavellian postmodernism 05:46:18 Machiavellian rhetorical discourses 05:48:15 Deconstruction as an educational strategy 05:54:41 Ressentiment postmodernism 05:57:56 Nietzschean ressentiment 06:02:11 Foucault and Derrida on the end of man 06:09:25 Ressentiment strategy 06:13:50 Post-postmodernism Other links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRCHicks Twitter: https://twitter.com/SRCHicks Website: https://www.stephenhicks.org/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephenhick…