The Middle Ages (~400 to ~1400) are frequently divided into the ~400-1000 years (the era of decline or “Dark Ages”) and the ~1000-1400 years (when activity picked up again (the “High” or “Late” Middle Ages). The existence of a “Dark Age” is hotly and sometimes angrily contested. Three data visualizations for your consideration, followed by my commentary.
1. World economy ups and downs by region, from Angus Maddison’s The World Economy: Historical Statistics. Note the light blue line for western Europe, which declines sharply until around year 1000, at which point it recovers and ascends.
2. Artistic and historic artifacts. Note the 400-1000 CE era.
3. Interesting and otherwise significant thinkers.
The latter two charts are via My work-in-progress contribution is this chart, which plots the dates for some major philosophers, university foundings, key inventions, artistic developments, and artists:
My podcast, on the historical and value controversies—especially for that sub-group of conservatives who wish it weren’t real— in the Open College series: “Conservatives: Get Over the Dark Ages.”