Search Results for: Enlightenment

John Gray’s anti-Enlightenment [Stephen Hicks’s Pope Lecture]

In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and the power of reason. He then examines a series postmodern (and fellow-traveler) thinkers […]

John Gray’s anti-Enlightenment [Stephen Hicks’s Pope Lecture] Read More »

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems

Reprising this chart on the Enlightenment of the long 1700s and it self-conscious grasp it its own significance. Related: My “Enlightenment Vision” flowchart and other posts and lectures on the Enlightenment. The chart is from Chapter One of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems Read More »

Voltaire’s essential *Letters on England* brought the Enlightenment to France

This series letters written while in exile — on the sometimes-shocking English way of doing religion, politics, science, morals, and philosophy — were hugely influential upon a French audience still in the grip of l’ancien regime. Related: The full Philosophers, Explained series, including classics from Kant, Nietzsche, Rand, Camus, Aristotle, Plato, and other important thinkers.

Voltaire’s essential *Letters on England* brought the Enlightenment to France Read More »

Why did Professor Beck say Kant is Counter-Enlightenment?

Philosopher Lewis White Beck was selected to write the entry on “German Philosophy” for The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He wrote: “Immanuel Kant was to put almost every fundamental concept of the Enlightenment in jeopardy.” That is a striking claim, as it goes against a standard interpretation of Kant as a paragon of the Enlightenment. Immanuel

Why did Professor Beck say Kant is Counter-Enlightenment? Read More »

Is Communism a modern doctrine? Or born of the Enlightenment?

Is Communism a modern doctrine? Or born of the Enlightenment? Heavens, no. Brief history-of-politics series of points, in response to this question from a few places on social media: 1. For millennia all communisms were religious. (* exception at end) 2. Think of the many religious monasteries and convents, populated by those who see their

Is Communism a modern doctrine? Or born of the Enlightenment? Read More »

Cathy Young’s “The Return of the Anti‐​Enlightenment”

Worth reading: The full text of Young’s judicious 2022 article for Cato Policy Report. Related: Chapter One of Explaining Postmodernism for an overview of the Enlightenment against which the postmoderns are reacting. Full audiobook here. My Enlightenment Vision flowchart is pitched at a high level of abstraction, showing schematically how the philosophical revolution of the

Cathy Young’s “The Return of the Anti‐​Enlightenment” Read More »