Search Results for: Great Artists

How great artists become great: Karajan version

According to his biographer: Karajan seems to have spent the greater part of his like seeking the one thing he believed would make him completely happy: absolute mastery over his own destiny. Richard Osborne, Herbert von Karajan: A Life in Music, Northeastern University Press, 1998, p. 33 Related: How other great artists became great:Igor Stravinsky

How great artists become great: Karajan version Read More »

Kant and modern art: quotations from artists and art critics

The poet John Enright‘s “Kant and Abstract Art” takes up Ayn Rand‘s claim (in The Romantic Manifesto) that “the father of modern art is Immanuel Kant (see his Critique of Judgment).” Rand does not elaborate, and Enright notes that some scoff at the claim. Rand’s claim is a strong one, in part because it makes

Kant and modern art: quotations from artists and art critics Read More »

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | “Grand Odalisque” (1814) [Newberry on Great Art series]

An Artist’s View: Michael Newberry on Key Works of Art in History Michael Newberry is an avant-garde figurative painter, writer, and teacher promoting evolutionary flourishing through his work. He does this through advances in color theory, body language, symbolism, and composition. Michael is the author of two books released in 2021: Evolution Through Art and Newberry

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | “Grand Odalisque” (1814) [Newberry on Great Art series] Read More »

Artists Need Free Minds and Free Markets [Colombia talk]

I’ll be speaking (by Zoom) at the Media Entrepreneurial Marathon today (November 21, 2020) at 9:30 Central Time. The conference is sponsored by a large group of Latin American idea and entrepreneurship organizations committed to creative and business freedom. Related: How great artists become great: Liszt. Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky. Beethoven. Creative geniuses as selfish: Maria

Artists Need Free Minds and Free Markets [Colombia talk] Read More »

Philosophy of Education: My lectures online

Fifty hours of my video lectures on Philosophy of Education are available free online. * The course cover issues from metaphysics, epistemology, human nature, and ethics that are directly relevant to education.* The lectures also cover major philosophies  Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Behaviorism, Existentialism, Marxism, Objectivism, and Postmodernism — that have enormously influenced contemporary education.* Along

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