Fermin Elizalde

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Stephen Hicks: Ask Me Anything about Ethics

Join our Senior Scholar, Dr. Stephen Hicks Wednesday, April 6 @ 3:30 PM PT / 6:30 PM ET for a special “Ask Me Anything About Ethics” event in which Dr. Hicks will be answering your questions on ethics and questions from our 63K Instagram followers. Bring your most interesting questions! Not yet on Clubhouse, and interested? Use this link HERE to get […]

Stephen Hicks: Ask Me Anything about Ethics Read More »

The Anti-Capitalism Course: “Next-Generation Socialism?”

With Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. The fourth session of The Anti-Capitalism Course will be “Next Generation Socialism?” Socialist intellectual Robert Heilbroner’s question: If we acknowledge the disasters of 20th-century socialism, what lessons can we learn to do socialism better next time? Link to register for the session at Kazm. Reading in preparation for the session: Robert

The Anti-Capitalism Course: “Next-Generation Socialism?” Read More »

Hicks on First-Generation Postmodernism [In Case You Missed It]

Postmodernism Part 1 by Stephen Hicks. This is the original 1998 lecture that led to the now-classic Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Professor Hicks argues that first-generation postmodernism is best understood as a rhetorical strategy of intellectuals and academics on the far-Left of the political spectrum to the failure of socialism.

Hicks on First-Generation Postmodernism [In Case You Missed It] Read More »

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish): “La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo”

“La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo.” Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. ¿Estamos luchando contra los posmodernistas con una mano atada a la espalda? Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde. English version (The Spectator), Portuguese translation, and audio version.

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish): “La Inferioridad Moral del Posmodernismo” Read More »

Human Progress: Stephen Hicks & social scientist Marian Tupy [In Case You Missed It]

How much progress have humans made, and why is the good news so little known? CEO Jennifer Grossman in conversation with philosopher Stephen Hicks and Marian Tupy, editor of HumanProgress.org and senior policy analyst at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. Related: Did Coffee Give Us The Enlightenment? (Open College).

Human Progress: Stephen Hicks & social scientist Marian Tupy [In Case You Missed It] Read More »

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish): “Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico”

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. ¿Quién es más propenso a engañar? ¿Aquellos que practican deportes individuales o aquellos que practican deportes en equipo? Traducido al Español por María Marty, 2016. English: “When Altruism Becomes Pathological”.

Mis artículos en español (My articles in Spanish): “Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico” Read More »

Stephen Hicks with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia [In Case You Missed It]

Conversations | Stephen Hicks | Postmodernism and Nazism | With John Anderson “Prof. Stephen Hicks is a philosopher who is well known for his expertise in demystifying postmodernist ideology. His insights into postmodernism and political correctness have extra significance today as we see university progressive activism spilling out into the streets.” John Anderson was Deputy

Stephen Hicks with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia [In Case You Missed It] Read More »

Mis artículos en español (my articles in Spanish): Nietzsche and his sister

La hermana de Nietzsche y The Will to Power [transcripción de Open College] Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Este episodio está inspirado en mi re-lectura de The Will to Power de Nietzsche. […]”cada palabra de The Will to Power fue escrita por Nietzsche en sus cuadernos de notas de 1883-1888″. Así que tiene ese

Mis artículos en español (my articles in Spanish): Nietzsche and his sister Read More »