Fermin Elizalde

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Capitalism Data [Atlas Intellectuals]

Here we bring you the last week from the Atlas Intellectuals course on Capitalism. We will show you some Capitalism Data and Indices from all over the world. To supplement the theory and history of capitalism, we now provide data on more and less capitalistic economies. Which are most open to entrepreneurship? Most respectful of property […]

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El Libre Comercio te hace Mejor Persona

El Libre Comercio te hace Mejor Persona Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. El comercio nos permite ser más eficientes, y cuanto más extensas son nuestras redes comerciales, podremos disfrutar de los talentos de más personas, y a más personas podremos alcanzar con nuestros propios talentos. Para más artículos en español: https://www.stephenhicks.org/espanol/ Original article in

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Vladimir Lenin, “How to Organize Competition” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This unit of the self-paced course on Socialism focuses on a theorist, revolutionary, and a leading figure in the October Revolution and the foundation of the Soviet Union. See our Executive Summary of Vladimir Lenin’s “How to Organize Competition”: ‘to achieve competitive socialism, Lenin urges that all the “vermin” be eradicated in Russia. War must

Vladimir Lenin, “How to Organize Competition” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Los Conservadores NO Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado

Los Conservadores NO Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Los conservadores e izquierdistas discrepan entre sí a menudo, pero ambos están en desacuerdo con los capitalistas liberales. El punto general aquí será que los debates políticos rara vez son bidireccionales; Casi siempre los capitalistas liberales se enfrentan a la oposición desde

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David Kelley, “Objectivity: Metaphysical and Epistemological” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This unit of the Atlas Intellectuals course on Objectivity features David Kelley (Ph.D., Princeton University) on “Objectivity: Metaphysical and Epistemological”. Dr. Kelley is the founder of The Atlas Society. In this lecture, he distinguishes between objective, subjective, and intrinsic approaches to thinking and argues that objectivity is a cardinal human value. The concept of objectivity has two meanings:

David Kelley, “Objectivity: Metaphysical and Epistemological” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Socialists Define Socialism [Atlas Intellectuals]

Introducing this new Atlas Intellectuals course on Socialism we will consider how Socialists define Socialism throughout the years Karl Marx, Henri de Saint-Simon, Robert Heilbroner and more. The full course: https://www.atlassociety.org/course/socialism Other Atlas Intellectuals courses on Capitalism, Objectivity, Money, Robotics, and more: https://www.atlassociety.org/atlas-university/atlas-intellectuals

Socialists Define Socialism [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »