Stephen Hicks

The Real Justice Warriors — event in Melbourne, Australia

In March I’ll be co-speaking with the dynamic Gloria Alvarez. Tickets for the event are here. More information a bout my other events too at the  True Arrow Events site, and Justic Warriors: event schedule: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Stephen Hicks and Gloria Alvarez, audience Q&A, followed by book signing. Join world-renowned philosopher Dr. […]

The Real Justice Warriors — event in Melbourne, Australia Read More »

Speaking tomorrow in New York City …

… on “Which Socialism Matters Most?” Socialism means different things to different people, especially to those in the younger demographics who express favorable attitudes toward it. So which socialisms should liberty intellectuals and activists focus on? More information here: Thanks to Students for Liberty and the Atlas Society for making this possible. (The image

Speaking tomorrow in New York City … Read More »

The Religion Course: my livestream lecture series at thinkspot

Coming soon: The Religion Course:  What is religion? Is it true? Is it good? If neither necessarily, is it useful? Does the meaning of life depend upon religion? A Livestream Lecture Series by Dr. Stephen Hicks. The first unit of the course will be a three-lecture series during February 2020 on defining the complex phenomenon that is religion.

The Religion Course: my livestream lecture series at thinkspot Read More »

Debate in Brisbane, Australia, March 9: Right-wing Postmodernism?

The Brisbane Dialogues is hosting a debate on Monday, March 9 in the evening. They’ve invited me and Professor John Quiggin of the University of Queensland to take up this resolution: Resolved: Postmodernism is a right-wing philosophy. Professor Quiggin, a democratic socialist, will argue the affirmative. I will argue the negative. More information forthcoming. The

Debate in Brisbane, Australia, March 9: Right-wing Postmodernism? Read More »

Hazony Attacks the Enlightenment [Open College]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct out of Toronto. Conservative nationalist Yoram Hazony makes eight claims about the Enlightenment. One is mostly true, and seven are badly false or are grains of truth badly exaggerated. Audio: Youtube. Soundcloud.  Transcription: Will be available soon. Sources: Yoram Hazony, “What Was the Enlightenment?” Prager

Hazony Attacks the Enlightenment [Open College] Read More »