Stephen Hicks

Join me at thinkspot — launching soon

I’m happy to be joining some of today’s brightest minds at thinkspot, a new free-speech-absolutist alternative to Patreon, YouTube, and other sites that have struggled with de-platforming and shadow-banning. The site initially features twelve thinkers — including Jordan Peterson, Heather MacDonald, Gregg Hurwitz, and James Altucher — and I’m honored to be included in that

Join me at thinkspot — launching soon Read More »

Marx’s labor theory of value — Böhm-Bawerk’s rejection

The economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk arguing, in the 1890s, against the beloved-by-Marxists labor theory of value: “Value and effort, as I have stated at length in another place, are not ideas so intimately connected that one is forced immediately to adopt the view that effort is the basis of value. ‘That I have toiled over

Marx’s labor theory of value — Böhm-Bawerk’s rejection Read More »