Stephen Hicks

Texts in Philosophy — mid-2019 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Condorcet, “Reflections on Negro Slavery” (1781). Jean-François Lyotard, “The Sublime and the Avant-Garde,” Chapter 7 of The Inhuman: Reflections on Time (1991). W. V. O. Quine, “Two Dogmas of Empiricism” (1951). James Rachels, “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism” (1999). Max Shulman, “Love Is […]

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YAL Silicon Valley talk today on how younger socialists think

Young Americans for Liberty is a dynamic student group with chapters all over the country, so I’m happy to be participating in this regional conference. The title and description of my talk: “Why Young Socialists Don’t Love Us — But They Should” Description: “The historical record of socialist poverty and brutality is clear, and we

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SoHo Forum debate results and impressions

The New York event was fast and fun, with a sold-out-wait-list-only crowd. Gene Epstein hosted and moderated. Comedian Dave Smith opened with some wry observations about current culture and politics. Thaddeus Russell was energetic and engaging in arguing that postmodernism is necessary for a politics of individual liberty. I argued the negative. Here are the

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