Stephen Hicks

Cato Unbound article on Kant translated into Portuguese

My article, “Does Kant Have a Place in Classical Liberalism?” (English) was translated by the indefatigable Matheus Pacini into Portuguese: “KANT TEM LUGAR NO LIBERALISMO CLÁSSICO?” From the description: “Stephen R. C. Hicks argues that if our case for liberty comes from a mysterious other realm, then perhaps we have no case at all. He […]

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John Gray in *Explaining Postmodernism*

British philosopher John Gray claims: “We live today amid the dim ruins of the Enlightenment project, which was the ruling project of the modern period.” For more on the implications of Gray’s pessimistic assessment for postmodernism, see p. 23 of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism from Rousseau to Foucault. Information about other editions and translations is

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Elizabeth Warren’s Plan — We’ve Seen This Before

Consider this description of an economic system: “The economy is collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level. This non-elected form of state officializing of every interest will reduce the marginalization of singular interests. The system will recognize every divergent interest into the state organically, not meaning a

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