Stephen Hicks

Dr. Jane Clare Jones, the Intellectual Dark Web, and me

Dr. Jane Clare Jones seems like a nice, intelligent person, but my tweet about the ethos of the Intellectual Dark Web prompted a strongly negative response and this chain of exchanges: Dr. Jones replied: I responded, as did she: And with a helpful clarification that she also disagrees with the authoritarian Left: Me on the […]

Dr. Jane Clare Jones, the Intellectual Dark Web, and me Read More »

White and Anti-White Racism at *The New York Times*

Sure will be interesting to see how these two new stories play out in the Gray Lady’s soul: 1. Baseball player with history of racist tweets. Apologizes. Milwaukee fans’ reactions. NYT publishes *scorching* response. 2. A week later, NYT editorial-board hire with history of racist tweets. Doesn’t apologize. NYT expresses *understanding*. Bad behavior all around,

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Anti-liberals — Left and Right — versus the Kochs

Leftists have long been apoplectic about Koch money on campus, especially when used to support discussions of free-market principles. Now they are strange bedfellows with the Trump right-wing, which also attacks free markets, especially on immigration and trade. Here’s Donald Trump dissing Charles and David Koch: “‘I never sought their support because I don’t need

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13 Argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal en 13 Minutos

13 Argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal en 13 Minutos por Stephen R.C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde y María Marty Original English. Portuguese. German. Argumento 1: El Capitalismo Liberal aumenta la libertad Primero, definamos nuestros términos. Por “Liberalismo” nos referimos a una red de principios que están institucionalizados. Los politólogos hablarán de ellos

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Søren Kierkegaard in *Explaining Postmodernism*

In Fear and Trembling, Søren Kierkegaard defends faith by going on the offensive against reason: “Faith requires the crucifixion of reason.” For more on the context of Kierkegaard’s irrationalism and its implications for postmodernism, see p. 98 of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism from Rousseau to Foucault. Information about other editions and translations is available at this

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Professor Jason Hill: “Shut down the universities”

Here is Jason D. Hill’s radical call to defund and disempower the anti-education ideologues. Hill is the author of Becoming a Cosmopolitan, which I used in my Ethics course last semester. His new-this-month book is We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People. Thanks to Robert Marks for the link to Hill’s The

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