Stephen Hicks

Postmodernism is *part* of the Western canon: interviewed by Jordan Alexander Hill

From Jordan Hill’s introduction to our one-hour podcast: “I’d like to introduce our next guest, one of my favorite living philosophers and the author of the great book *Explaining Postmodernism*. In Episode One of this podcast, we talked about postmodernism as an antagonist to the project of liberalism and Western civilization. My next guest, Stephen […]

Postmodernism is *part* of the Western canon: interviewed by Jordan Alexander Hill Read More »

Ten topics in applied Objectivism — interviewed by Mark Michael Lewis

Interviewer Mark Michael Lewis and I had an extended conversation about philosophy and its applications to education, business ethics, postmodernism, and entrepreneurship. The ten topics: 1. How I first read Rand and Mises [1:44 minutes] 2. Why one should always take arguments at their best [10:15] 3. Why many philosophers are politically left [16:00] 4.

Ten topics in applied Objectivism — interviewed by Mark Michael Lewis Read More »

(Professor) The Mistaken reviews Explaining Postmodernism

Here’ s a 46-point overview of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault, along with the anonymous author’s assessment of his or her agreements and (gasp!) disagreements. The author is a professor at an American university who writes under a pseudonym in response to the current climate of intimidation and reprisal that exists

(Professor) The Mistaken reviews Explaining Postmodernism Read More »

13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten

13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten Much thanks to Christoph Petzold, Ilona Rossa, and Alexander Fürstenberg for publishing this German translation of my “13 Arguments for Liberal Capitalism in 13 Minutes”. Here is a click-to-enlarge version of the flowchart of the arguments: The flowchart with German subtitles is here in PDF. Here also

13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten Read More »

Sixteenth printing of *Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault*

A new printing of the expanded edition was published this month. With postmodern theory now exerting itself in authoritarian practice, especially on many campuses, the book’s theme is sadly increasingly relevant: “The failure of epistemology made postmodernism possible. The failure of socialism made postmodernism necessary.” This is the sixteenth printing since its first publication in

Sixteenth printing of *Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault* Read More »