Stephen Hicks

Free Market Road Show in Chicago — tomorrow

I’ll be speaking tomorrow in Chicago at the FMRS event, along with Matt Kibbe (President and Chief Community Organizer, Free the People) and Barbara Kolm (President, Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institute). The event is sponsored by the Austrian Economics Center, and its theme is this: The 2017 FMRS brings together leading business people, outstanding scholars,

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Igor Stravinsky’s first impression of the United States

From his autobiography, about his first trip to America in 1925: “Without stopping to describe my visual impressions on landing in New York — skyscrapers, traffic, lights, Negroes, cinemas, theatres, in fact all that rouses the curiosity of foreigners, and very rightly so — I want to begin by bearing witness as a musician to

Igor Stravinsky’s first impression of the United States Read More »

Johann Herder as prophet of the contemporary university

[Herder (1744-1802) was an early Counter-Enlightenment voice calling for group identity politics and value relativism, along with a rejection of cultural appropriation and an embrace of zero-sum cultural conflict. The following is excerpted from Explaining Postmodernism.] Herder on multicultural relativism Sometimes called the “German Rousseau,”[1] Johann Herder had studied philosophy and theology at Königsberg University. Kant was

Johann Herder as prophet of the contemporary university Read More »