Stephen Hicks

Third-Way Politics and Its Bitter Fruits [Good Life series]

Beware the compromisers — a lesson from this generation’s history. In 1998, President Bill Clinton announced: “We have moved past the sterile debate between those who say Government is the problem and those who say Government is the solution. My fellow Americans, we have found a Third Way.” Third Way politics became popular in the

Third-Way Politics and Its Bitter Fruits [Good Life series] Read More »

“Bootleggers, Baptists, and The Jones Act” article published

My short article “Bootleggers, Baptists, and The Jones Act” was published as part of the Political Ethics series at the Berens Foundation’s site. “Suppose that a freak Atlantic storm pummels the city of Boston, leaving it flooded for days and cut off from services by land and air — trucks cannot reach it and planes

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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy — updated article on Rand

My article “Ayn Alissa Rand (1905-1982)” was first published in the IEP in 2001. The original article focused on Rand’s life and times and some issues in her ethics. This update expands that treatment slightly, mentions a broader range of criticisms, and adds to the bibliography some of the scholarship since then. The encyclopedia is

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy — updated article on Rand Read More »

Is Newton’s *Principia* a rape manual?

From the “Did he/she really say that?” file. Here is adversarial-feminist philosopher Sandra Harding on Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica: “why is it not as illuminating and honest to refer to Newton’s laws as ‘Newton’s rape manual’ as it is to call them ‘Newton’s mechanics’?”[1] How did she get there? Well, Francis Bacon did say that

Is Newton’s *Principia* a rape manual? Read More »