Stephen Hicks

Our generation’s question: Liberalism or Fascism or Socialism?

When Nazi Germany and fascist Italy were defeated, the great historical question was: Will liberalism or socialism prevail in the world? The ensuing mix of cold and hot wars and ideological battles reached their climax in our generation — with the fallout from the Soviet Union’s collapse, the enduring sadness of Cuba, the ongoing mess

Our generation’s question: Liberalism or Fascism or Socialism? Read More »

Zwolinski and Hicks on Rand and rights theory

Matt Zwolinski and I have a friendly debate about several technical, foundational issues in Rand’s theory of rights: Can rights be based on egoism? What’s the connection between property rights and value creation? What counts as an improper initiation of force? Several other sub-issues about content and method arise along the way. In about 750 words each,

Zwolinski and Hicks on Rand and rights theory Read More »