Stephen Hicks

McCaffrey’s *Radical by Nature*

I’m reading Radical by Nature: The Green Assault on Liberty, Property, and Prosperity by Thomas J. McCaffrey. His target is radical environmentalism. Environmentalism as a big-tent label like feminism, liberalism, and conservatism, each having many competing strands within. McCaffrey focuses on the most philosophically fundamental versions of envrionmentalism — and with good reason, as that

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Kaizen 31: British entrepreneur Lall Singh

The latest issue of Kaizen [pdf] features the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship’s interview with Lall Singh on the theme of Entrepreneurial Finance in England. Also featured in this issue of Kaizen are guest speakers Robert Garmong, Douglas Rasmussen, and Piotr Kostyło, as well as our Entrepreneurial Education conference and a conference we hosted with the Austrian Economics

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Civility down the toilet: intolerance, anti-Trump style

My anti-Trump street cred is here. But acting like an immature asshole (to use technical philosophical terminology) is no way to fight back against the man or his policies. Minimal civility is essential for a politics to function peacefully. Some disturbing anecdotes: * Senator Joseph McCarthy was demonized for going after artists and others who

Civility down the toilet: intolerance, anti-Trump style Read More »

Richard Wagner’s “Art and Revolution” text

[Below is the text of Richard Wagner’s 1849 essay “Art and Revolution” (and here is a PDF version).] Richard Wagner “Art and Revolution” Almost universal is the outcry raised by artists nowadays against the damage that the Revolution has occasioned them. It is not the battles of the “barricades,” not the sudden mighty shattering of the pillars

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