Stephen Hicks

Kant on sex, marriage, concubines, prostitutes, and incest [text]

[From lecture notes for Immanuel Kant’s 1775-1780 courses as published in Lectures on Ethics [1775-1780], translated by Louis Infield, New York: Harper and Row, 1963, pp. 162-168. The text is below and here as PDF.] Duties towards the Body in Respect of Sexual Impulse Amongst our inclinations there is one which is directed towards other […]

Kant on sex, marriage, concubines, prostitutes, and incest [text] Read More »

Cuba and the American economic boycott

Socialists standardly blame capitalist exploitation for the miseries of the poor. But then we consider Cuba’s dismal economic performance, which most blame on dictator Castro’s socialism. Not true!, say socialist defenders of Castro. Instead, we should blame it on the Americans and their decades-long economic boycott. So — just so that we’re all clear about

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Islam politicized — round-up of readings

Grégoire Canlorbe interviews Howard Bloom, who argues that Islamic religion is inherently violent. Gatestone Institute. Mustafa Akyol argues, by contrast, that politics has poisoned Islam. The New York Times. Virginia Murr provides an overview essay on the major theologian of Islamism, Sayyid Qutb. Rockford University. Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues that Islam needs a Reformation. The

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Coffee entrepreneur Phyllis Johnson — video interview transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Part I Hicks: I’m Stephen Hicks. My guest today is Phyllis Johnson, who spoke in the Business and Economics Ethics class today on the theme of Coffee, Entrepreneurship, and Women in Africa. Ms. Johnson is the founder and

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Bulletin from the Office of the Reproducer-General

Bulletin: Sex and Economics — A Modest Proposal Fellow citizens: Our nation’s sex life is in peril. Surveys show widespread sexual discontent. Market failure is everywhere. Many males complain of not getting enough sex and many females object to constant male looks and advances. Other males are dissatisfied with the options available in their local

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