Stephen Hicks

Arabic translation of my “Post-postmodern Art” essay (updated)

[My “Post-postmodern Art” essay was translated into Arabic (text below and PDF version here) by Moin Jaffar Mohammed of Babylon, Iraq, edited by Maha El-Shenhaby, and published in the journal Al-Adeeb Al-Thakafiya. For more of my art-related publications, see my Art page.] فن ما بعد – ما بعد الحدثة كتابة : ستيفن هِكس ترجمة : معين […]

Arabic translation of my “Post-postmodern Art” essay (updated) Read More »

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster — Who Is to Blame? [Good Life series]

The long-term estimated death toll from the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India is about 15,000 people. To put that in context, consider that the estimated immediate death toll from the Soviet Union’s 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster is 4,000. The death toll from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear radiation leak in 2011 is zero. And the death toll

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster — Who Is to Blame? [Good Life series] Read More »

Sexo con Robots? La Ética [Spanish translation]

[This is a Spanish translation of my “Sex with Robots? The Ethics”, first published in English at EveryJoe.] Se está viniendo una nueva generación de robots sexuales, y las bromas ya han comenzado.  “Yo no necesito uno…” — dice una mujer casada — “mi marido ya es suficientemente robótico en la cama.” Ja ja.  “Seguro…”

Sexo con Robots? La Ética [Spanish translation] Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 7: A religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 7 of the Theist vs. Atheist series, originally published in English at EveryJoe. In the following final round of the debate, John Wright begins and Stephen Hicks replies.] De forma geral, a religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? Por John C. Wright Tradução de

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 7: A religião tem sido algo bom ou ruim para a humanidade? [Portuguese translation] Read More »