Stephen Hicks

Progress and Betrayal: The Responsibilities of Latin American Intellectuals [video]

I gave a talk in Brazil earlier this year on “Progress and Betrayal: The Responsibilities of Latin American Intellectuals.” My abstract: The richest Latin American nations are only 25% as wealthy as Canada and the United States. Why is this? Some blame imperialism, a lack of resources, corrupt politicians, and/or crony businesses. All of those

Progress and Betrayal: The Responsibilities of Latin American Intellectuals [video] Read More »

Interview with philosopher Carrie-Ann Biondi

Dr. Carrie-Ann Biondi of Marymount Manhattan College visited Rockford University to give a lecture sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. While she was here, I interviewed her about how she became a philosopher, Aristotle, the relationship between abstract and applied philosophy, how she teaches her ethics course, Jane Eyre, Harry Potter, Plato, and

Interview with philosopher Carrie-Ann Biondi Read More »

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series]

[Originally published at] Many smart people — including Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, Naser Khader in Newsweek, John Lloyd in The Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Wall Street Journal — are hoping that the Reformation will come to Islam. Some are calling for an Islamic Martin Luther. Sorry, but no.

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series] Read More »

On the Proofs of God’s Existence [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This column is a part of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen Hicks and John C. Wright. Here Hicks responds to Wright’s arguments for the existence of God. And here are the links to other columns in the series.] As we enter the third round of our debate series, our first major point of

On the Proofs of God’s Existence [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »