Stephen Hicks

Anti-Liberalism — my article in Reason Papers

The new issue of Reason Papers (38:1) has an interesting symposium on the Philosophy of Play, with discussions by Christopher C. Kirby and Brolin Graham, William Schultz, Aaron Harper, and Francisco Javier Lopez Frias. I also have a long-ish article in which I make fifteen arguments against my own liberal philosophy: “Liberalism: The Fifteen Strongest […]

Anti-Liberalism — my article in Reason Papers Read More »

Corruption—Is It Worse in Free or Government-Regulated Markets? [Good Life series]

Bad things happen in free markets. Some people lie, cut corners, commit fraud, and write bad checks. Others renege on contracts, offer or accept bribes, give kickbacks, embezzle, and more. Often this translates into an argument for government regulation. Free markets maximize liberty, the argument runs, so they give much more scope to immoral individuals,

Corruption—Is It Worse in Free or Government-Regulated Markets? [Good Life series] Read More »

Uber, Cuba, Libertad y la Pura Verdad [Spanish translation]

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “Uber, Cuba, and Freedoms Large and Small”, first published in English at EveryJoe and then translated into Portuguese at Portal Libertarianismo.] Recientemente, conocí a un joven en Miami. En lugar de tomar un taxi, decidí probar Uber por primera vez. Rafael (no es su nombre real)

Uber, Cuba, Libertad y la Pura Verdad [Spanish translation] Read More »

Are Reason and Faith Compatible? [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This is Part 2 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between John C. Wright and Stephen Hicks, originally published in English at EveryJoe. In this round Hicks begins and Wright responds.] I appreciate Mr. Wright’s opening essay and am in agreement with substantial portions of it. If we array religions along a spectrum from

Are Reason and Faith Compatible? [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »