Stephen Hicks

Engineering Ethics talk in Chile — report

Here’s a report (in Spanish) on my lecture at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Santiago, Chile, to a group of engineering students and faculty. Thank you to Professor Ruth Murrugarra for inviting me. I also did a short follow-up interview (in English) with Andrea Millar Bruna, posted here: AMB: Which are the essential skills for success […]

Engineering Ethics talk in Chile — report Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu Parte 5: O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 5 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between John C. Wright and Stephen Hicks, originally published in English at EveryJoe. In this round Wright begins and Hicks responds.] O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? Por John C. Wright Tradução de Matheus

Católico vs. Ateu Parte 5: O Sentido da Vida depende da existência de Vida Após a Morte? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Censorship in Iran — no surprises, but still …

Via Vinay Kolhatkar, this news item about the Iranian government’s decision earlier this year to censor dangerous words such as wine and elephant. From The Telegraph‘s report: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, has urged the culture ministry to “focus on producing appealing books and films, designing video games, and developing attractive and meaningful toys”

Censorship in Iran — no surprises, but still … Read More »

Socrates quotations: character, democracy, philosophy

In my Introduction to Philosophy course this week, we are discussing Plato’s Apology. Three snippets: On the priority of character: “Wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the State” (Apology, 30b). On the dangers of democracy: “No man on earth who conscientiously opposes

Socrates quotations: character, democracy, philosophy Read More »

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “When Altruism Becomes Pathological,” first published in English at EveryJoe and then translated into Portuguese at Portal Libertarianismo.] ¿Quién es más propenso a engañar? ¿Aquellos que practican deportes individuales o aquellos que practican deportes en equipo? Un experimento fascinante realizado por el profesor Sharon K. Stoll y publicado en el Chronicle of

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico Read More »

Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This is the opening column of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen Hicks and John C. Wright. Read Wright’s opening column here. Here are the links to other columns in the series.] My answer is: Absolutely, yes, religion is worth arguing about. We have all heard that in polite company we should not discuss sex,

Is Religion Worth Arguing About? [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »