Stephen Hicks

Is Political Evil Built Into Religion? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my latest column in the Theist vs. Atheist debate series at EveryJoe: “We live in good times for religion and politics. The great majority of us are free to practice or not religion as we choose. That has been rare in human history, as politicians have generally enjoyed using religion as a

Is Political Evil Built Into Religion? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster: Who’s to Blame? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “The long-term estimated death toll from the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India is about 15,000 people. “To put that in context, consider that the estimated immediate death toll from the Soviet Union’s 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster is 4,000. The death toll from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear radiation leak

The Bhopal Chemical Spill Disaster: Who’s to Blame? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Os que só reclamam e os problemas ambientais

Algumas partes do mundo realmente são infernos ambientais. São locais sujos e exauridos, tornando-os insalubres e economicamente insustentáveis. Nós podemos argumentar sobre aseveridade dos problemas de vários lugares; contudo, eu quero focar em outro aspecto do debate: a determinação precisa das causas da degradação, de forma que possamos focar produtivamente na busca de soluções. Infelizmente,

Os que só reclamam e os problemas ambientais Read More »

Is Religion Good or Bad for Politics? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of John C. Wright’s latest column in the Theist vs. Atheist series debate at EveryJoe: “The question for this week is whether religion is good or bad for politics. “The wording of the question is charmingly misleading, akin to asking whether economic theory is good or bad for politics, without bothering to distinguish

Is Religion Good or Bad for Politics? [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »

Video Interview with John Chisholm — Transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Hicks: Our guest today is John Chisholm. John is a serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, now based in San Francisco, involved in a number of ventures. And he was here today talking to the Business and Economic Ethics

Video Interview with John Chisholm — Transcript Read More »

Making Life Meaningful Without Religion [new Theist vs. Atheist series column]

The opening of my latest column in the Theist vs. Atheist debate series at EveryJoe: “The quest for a meaningful life comes naturally to us. As infants we delight in exploring the world and developing our powers — hearing and seeing and tasting, crawling, eye-hand coordination, vocalizing, and social interaction with parents, siblings, and family

Making Life Meaningful Without Religion [new Theist vs. Atheist series column] Read More »