Stephen Hicks

Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, in the “Only a God Can Save Us” documentary

The sections on Arendt and her relationship with philosopher Heidegger appear at the 17:46 and 1:11:23 times in Jeffrey Van Davis’s documentary on Martin Heidegger’s life and thought. See also the episode on Martin Heidegger’s “What Is Metaphysics?”, in the *Philosophers, Explained* series:

Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, in the “Only a God Can Save Us” documentary Read More »

Open Objectivism or Closed? Transcription of my Belgrade debate presentation

Ayn Rand Center Europe invited me and and Craig Biddle to Serbia to debate whether Objectivism is an open or closed philosophy. I argued for open and Mr. Biddle argued for closed. A recording of the debate follows. Also following the video window (or in this PDF) is a transcription of my remarks for those

Open Objectivism or Closed? Transcription of my Belgrade debate presentation Read More »

Rockford University professor Stephen Hicks’s advice to new students

The hard part about writing about education can be getting past all of the clichés. Excellence. Truth. Honor. Tradition. The Future. Yet those words do capture essential aspirations for education, especially for those of us at the kind of college Rockford is and can be. I want to focus here on excellence. All of my

Rockford University professor Stephen Hicks’s advice to new students Read More »

Hicks and Breedlove interview on the Philosophy of Money, with Outline of Topics discussed

My long-form discussion with Robert Breedlove. On YouTube or Rumble. Outline of Topics:  00:00:00 – Coming up, Intro, Advertisement00:02:43 – Introducing Stephen Hicks 00:03:12 – The Philosophy of Money 00:06:29 – Money: A Social and Cultural Achievement 00:08:39 – Centrally Designed Money vs. Emergent Money 00:13:26 – The Origin of Money  Outline of Topics, continued: 00:18:42 – Money: A

Hicks and Breedlove interview on the Philosophy of Money, with Outline of Topics discussed Read More »

The first three episodes in *Philosophers, Explained* series: Kant, James, Galileo

1 Immanuel Kant on the limits of reason. Critique of Pure Reason. 2 William James on pacifism and defeating militarism. “The Moral Equivalent of War.” 3 Galileo Galilei on not persecuting scientists. “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina.” Coming soon: The 30 in the first series include:

The first three episodes in *Philosophers, Explained* series: Kant, James, Galileo Read More »

The purpose of the university — C. Vann Woodward quotation

At the beginning of the academic year, reprising this aspiration from C. Vann Woodward, Yale historian and author of The Strange Career of Jim Crow (1955), which Martin Luther King, Jr. said was “the historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement.” The purpose of the university is not to make its members feel secure, content,

The purpose of the university — C. Vann Woodward quotation Read More »