Stephen Hicks

Shawn Klein’s *Steve Jobs and Philosophy*

A new book is forthcoming this spring: Steve Jobs and Philosophy. The editor is Shawn E. Klein, a professor of philosophy at Rockford University. He has assembled sixteen essays on Steve Jobs’s impact. Klein’s summary: “Jobs was an outstanding achiever and a complex man with serious faults. This book is neither demonization nor hagiography. It […]

Shawn Klein’s *Steve Jobs and Philosophy* Read More »

A Nazi graphic against capitalism, communism, homosexuality, and the Jews

The microscope reveals symbols for the British pound and the American dollar, and for Jews, communists, and homosexuals (triangles). The poem at the bottom reads: Infectious Germs With his poison, the Jew destroys The sluggish blood of weaker peoples; So that a diagnosis arises, Of swift degeneration. With us, however, the case is different: The

A Nazi graphic against capitalism, communism, homosexuality, and the Jews Read More »

My speaking schedule April-July 2015

April 10-12, Cancún, Mexico. Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar. Topic: E. G. West’s Education and the State. April 13-14: Cancún. APEE Conference. Topic One: “Corruption in Business—Does Regulation Lessen or Increase It?” Topic Two: “Social Virtues for Individualists.” April 19-25: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fundación para la Responsabilidad Intelectual. Topics: TBA. April 29-May 1: Jekyll Island, Georgia.

My speaking schedule April-July 2015 Read More »

Monopólio bom, monopólio ruim [Portuguese translation]

Permitam-me dar alguns exemplos de monopólios, para logo em seguida perguntar: quais são bons e quais são ruins? Megan e Ramon começaram a namorar e estão encantados um pelo outro. Em pouco tempo, eles estão monopolizando o seu tempo nessa relação amorosa e decidem se casar. Um município, localizado em uma área remota, possui somente

Monopólio bom, monopólio ruim [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Professor Carrie-Ann Biondi to speak at Rockford University

Dr. Carrie-Ann Biondi of Marymount Manhattan College will be speaking on “Mike Rowe and Ayn Rand: Somebody’s Gotta Do It.” Dr. Biondi won Marymount Manhattan’s teaching excellence award in 2012. A video of her acceptance speech is here. According to my colleague Shawn Klein, who is organizing the talk, Dr. Biondi’s focus is actor Mike

Professor Carrie-Ann Biondi to speak at Rockford University Read More »

Is Free Speech Dead in Universities? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Strange times for free speech. “A century ago, Germany was the authoritarian nation. Kaiser Wilhelm was presiding over its efforts in World War I, and young Adolf Hitler was working toward his opportunity in World War II. At the same time, Britain and America were havens of

Is Free Speech Dead in Universities? [new The Good Life column] Read More »