Stephen Hicks

Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Raise the topic of monopolies, and the ensuing discussion will quickly highlight ideological blind-spots. “A colleague with whom I’ve taught courses in business and capitalism sent to me, enthusiastically, this article by Paul Krugman, a Nobel-Prize-winning economist. Krugman attacks Amazon and calls for it to be cut down a […]

Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Onde estão os economistas de livre mercado que causaram a crise financeira?

Um meme comum sobre a crise financeira culpa o capitalismo descontrolado e responsabiliza a ascensão do fundamentalismo de livre mercado entre os economistas como responsável pelo aumento da ganância. De acordo com o esse argumento, os economistas acadêmicos são, em grande parte, liberais. Eles convenceram os políticos a desregulamentarem setores importantes da economia norte-americana, de

Onde estão os economistas de livre mercado que causaram a crise financeira? Read More »

The Most Important Artist of the Century [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “A survey asked our generation’s leading artists and critics to identify the most influential artist of the twentieth century. Who won? If you guessed Pablo Picasso — nice try, but he came in second. “Before identifying the survey’s winner, let’s ask why it matters who topped the

The Most Important Artist of the Century [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Quem realmente deseja resolver o problema da pobreza?

Deixe-me compartilhar contigo o número mais impressionante de nossa geração: 600 milhões. Esse é o número de pessoas que foram retiradas da pobreza extrema nos últimos 25 anos. Nunca antes na história tantas pessoas alcançaram um nível mínimo de conforto. A linha de pobreza é uma questão controversa, já que não há consenso universalmente aceito,

Quem realmente deseja resolver o problema da pobreza? Read More »

PanAm Post interview by Belén Marty — Spanish, Portuguese, and English versions

In Buenos Aires, I was interviewed by journalist Belén Marty for the PanAm Post. The theme was populism, postmodernism, and politics, as captured in the title “Populism Succeeds Where Education Fails.” Here are the interview’s original Spanish and English versions, and the interview has now also been translated into Portuguese by Adriel Santana.

PanAm Post interview by Belén Marty — Spanish, Portuguese, and English versions Read More »

Do We Really Live in a World of Scarce Resources? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “You’ve likely heard the Bad News: we are supposed to be running out of resources. As a result you are sometimes asked: Will you continue use up resources selfishly — or are you willing to make sacrifices? Possibly you individually are a person of selfless virtue, but how likely

Do We Really Live in a World of Scarce Resources? [new The Good Life column] Read More »