Stephen Hicks

Entrepreneurship and Virtue Ethics

In this 21-minute video lecture, Entrepreneurship and Virtue Ethics, I connect the success traits of entrepreneurs (e.g., initiative, guts, win-win trade, and so on) with moral virtues (e.g., integrity, courage, justice, and so on). My thesis is that what is practical in business and what is moral are tightly integrated — in contrast to the […]

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Individualism and economic growth — Gorodnichenko and Roland

In an NBER paper, “Culture, Institutions and the Wealth of Nations,” Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Gerard Roland compare the growth gains that individualist ethics generate compared to those of collectivist ethics. The first sentences of their abstract: “We construct an endogenous growth model that includes a cultural variable along the dimension of individualism-collectivism. The model predicts

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Timbro to publish Swedish translation of Explaining Postmodernism

I’m happy to announce that my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault has been translated into Swedish and will published as Postmodernismens Förklaring: Skepticism och socialism från Rousseau till Foucault by Timbro and Stiftelsen Fritt Näringsliv in Stockholm. Much thanks to Anders Johansson, who did the translation, and to Adam Cwejman, who

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TRAC panel on Odd Nerdrum’s Kitsch and Roger Scruton’s Beauty

At the The Representational Art Conference in Ventura, California, I’ll be participating in a panel discussion on The Aesthetics of 21st Century Representational Art – (Odd Nerdrum’s Kitsch and Roger Scruton’s Beauty): Moderator: Peter Trippi, Editor, Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine. Panelists: Julio Reyes, Stephen Hicks, Alan Lawson, Jan-Ove Tuv. Earlier in the conference, I’ll also

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