Stephen Hicks

Question about economic freedom and British history

According to the 2014 Heritage index, the six most economically free nations are Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Canada. Question: Is it a coincidence that five of the six are former British colonies? Follow-up questions: * If not a coincidence, what did the British do in their colonies to enable this legacy […]

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John Chisholm — “Unleash Your Inner Company” talk

In this 20-minute “Unleash Your Inner Company” talk, entrepreneur John Chisholm (San Francisco) discusses: * the values that motivate entrepreneurs; * the mutually-reinforcing traits of passion and perseverance; * finding unique customers needs; * fitting those needs to one’s own uniqueness, strengths, and weakness; * how entrepreneurs are leaders; * his own entrepreneurial experiences; *

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Timothy Sandefur at the Volokh Conspiracy

Lawyer Timothy Sandefur of the Pacific Legal Foundation is guest blogging at the Volokh Conspiracy. In 2009, Sandefur spoke at Rockford University on on the topic of “Market Entrepreneurs and Political Entrepreneurs: Some Legal and Constitutional Issues”; my follow-up interview with him is at the CEE site. He is the author of several works, including

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PBS documentary on economic freedom: Gwartney, Hall, Lawson

The documentary airs in January on PBS stations nationwide. Here are the press releases from Joshua Hall’s West Virginia University and Robert Lawson’s Southern Methodist University. Professor Lawson spoke at Rockford University on economic freedom, and Professor Hall spoke here on education reform. Both talks were sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship.

PBS documentary on economic freedom: Gwartney, Hall, Lawson Read More »

Links for “13 arguments for liberal capitalism in 13 minutes”

For my “13 Arguments for Liberal Capitalism in 13 Minutes (more or less)”, here are direct links for each individual argument: 1. Liberal capitalism increases freedom. 2. People work harder in liberal capitalist systems. 3. People work smarter under liberal capitalism. 4. Liberalism increases individuality and creativity. 5. Liberal capitalism increases the average standard of

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